Summer with Go Missions

It's getting cooler outside, which means it is time to reflect on those warm summer days and all the good things that happened with Go Missions the past few months!

We kicked the summer off strong by sending a team of missionaries over to South Africa starting at the end of May. They spent a few days each week at the local preschool in the village. There they got to interact with all the sweet kiddos and were overwhelmed by hugs and cuddles on the daily!

Morning Breakfast!

The team served breakfast in the mornings which was a new mealie pap that is more nutritious and has different flavors, this is funded by Go Missions donors who support the preschool!

After breakfast, they enjoy playtime on the playground. They then transition into learning time where the team assists in activities to help the children build their gross and fine motor skills, creativity, coordination, and education!

In the afternoons the team would return to the mission house in the village and hang out with the neighbor children and teens in the community by playing games, dancing, coloring, or getting lessons on Siswati, one of the local languages until it was time for dinner each evening!

Due to our donors' support, we could purchase the equipment needed to host movie nights and times of worship with the community. It was a wonderful time to gather together and share the Word!

On the weekends, they would participate in conservation efforts with the Kruger National Park (KNP) rangers. The team was able to spend a night camping in the Kruger with the rangers.

They were able to see various animals firsthand and learn about the process of being a ranger and how poaching affects not only their day-to-day jobs but also the ecosystem and long-term effects. The rangers have incredible amounts of knowledge on these subjects, which they were able to share with the team. They also learned how elephants find fresh water, the habits of water buffalo, and how to make your own shampoo in the Bush!

The team assisted in servicing cameras in the park, so the rangers could better be able to catch poachers in the KNP. We went to different locations throughout the region, assessed, and took notes on what updates needed to happen to fix any cameras that were not correctly operating.

Before two of our missionaries, Rhyan and Kaylyn, sadly headed home, they were able to make an amazing decision to be baptized! This was something that had been on each of their hearts for years and they wanted to make this public declaration in their favorite place! It was a beautiful, holy day, surrounded by the children and community partners that have impacted them greatly over the years!

After the two left, Celeste was able to continue on the work the three of them started together, along with Kam who arrived in South Africa in early July! They continued serving in the local preschool and stayed in the village to continue living everyday life with the community. They loved living in the mission house and hosting movie nights with the community.

In August, Celeste and two of our community partners, Abel and Maxwell, had the opportunity to run a half marathon through the Kruger National Park!

They represented SPEAR Missions on their T-shirts, one of our partner organizations, and were able to raise sponsorship support for SPEAR.

Early August, the last of our summer missionaries, Kam and Celeste, returned to the States. Rhyan and one of our 2024 missionaries began planning and marketing for their garage sale fundraiser to raise funds for their upcoming trip!

We are so thankful for each of our missionaries and their dedication to serving this summer!! Each is so valuable to this ministry and continuing relationships with the community and our partners. This was a big summer for Go Missions and we owe all of our progress in the community and the generosity of our supporters to the faithfulness of the Lord!

We are continuing to plan and prepare for the remainder of the year and look forward to continuing to send more teams in 2024! If this is something you or someone you know may be interested in please reach out to !!


Unlocking Cultural Bridges: Helpful Siswati Phrases for Missionaries in South Africa


Launch Team