Launch Team

We have officially put together our launch team for Go Missions, and wow! It does not feel real! So much time, effort, and prayer went into this organization before we were ready to officially send missionaries into our communities, and we are feeling so blessed to be making it all a reality.

The team of 6 individuals will be leaving in December to spend the Christmas season in SA. They will be doing many things during the 3 weeks they are there such as, making last minute updates to the missionary base, interacting with the local neighbors, praying over our spaces, setting up an interactive learning base on our grounds, being present in the local churches during the Christmas season and much more.

I can’t wait to see how the Lord is going to move during the short 3 weeks that the team will be present, and to lay the foundation for all of our teams to come in 2023. Please join me in praying over this team and all the teams that will come after them in the coming year. If you would like to financially support any of the missionaries that will be on our first team you can do so under the Donate Now tab, and if you or someone you may know is interested in mission work please head on over to our Get Involved tab and fill out a form to get more info on how you can be a part of one of our 2023 teams.


Summer with Go Missions


Hoyi Preschool