Meet Our Partners

We are passionate about building relationships and integrating into the communities we serve. We do this by committing to serve consistently with various partners.

  • Spear Missions Africa

    A South African based nonprofit organization that hosts missionary teams in local communities. Affiliated with Spear NPO, they encompass and assist with a wide variety of needs in local communities. They are passionate about bridging conservation, community, and faith.

    Kruger National Park Rangers

    The rangers are tasked with surveying the area to stay aware of animal activity as well as to track and arrest poachers. Our teams build relationships with these rangers and assist them in different surveying tasks.

  • We partner with a local preschool by interacting with the children and staff. We assist in classroom activities and serving breakfast and lunch to the students.

  • Mbongozi Boarding School & Rental Accommodation hosts 287 primary and secondary school children. They also have rental option for young professionals. We partner with them by working with the kitchen staff to prepare lunch and dinner. We assist the laundry staff with washing, hang drying, and ironing the students clothes. In between we have the opportunity to interact with the children and help with other tasks needed.

  • We integrate into a local village by our mission base being located there. We spend most of the week at this location to be able to live everyday life with the kids and neighbors in this area.