Hoyi Preschool
We have the privilege of working in Hoyi Preschool - a school located near our mission house in the village of KaHoyi. Hoyi Preschool currently has around 80 students from the ages of 18 months - 5 years old. Our teams will be visiting this preschool on a weekly basis to play with children, help the teachers, and run an educational box program that we have implemented through partnering with another local organization.
We are currently partnering with “TTN”, an organization based in South Africa, that is using educational boxes to develop a child’s social skills, fine motor skills, and provide more structured educational opportunities.
The boxes feature things such as coloring activities, education about the local animals in the Kruger National Park, hand eye coordination games, alphabet learning games, gospel stories, prayers, and songs. These boxes are an excellent way to connect with the local children while participating in learning activities.