5 Ways to Fundraise

Fundraising can sometimes be intimidating, but you may be surprised how the Lord will provide and how people will choose to support you. To make this process a little less stressful, we are here to provide you with 5 ways you can accumulate funds for your trip!

#1 Support Letters

A great way to kick off fundraising is by sending out letters to friends and family. In this letter tell them about what you are doing, and why you are going on this trip, and ask for them to consider supporting you in prayer and finances. People you may want to send this to are relatives, your parents friends, small group leaders, mentors, teachers, coworkers, employers, and friends.

We understand it can be uncomfortable to ask people for money, but the people in your life want to hear from you and hear about this huge decision you have made to serve! Try to see this letter as a life update with an opportunity to support. If you have any questions on how to write this shoot us an email!

#2 Sell a Product

Lots of missionaries will choose to design T-shirts, stickers or make bracelets to build funds for their trips. You don't have to be super creative to do this, but the possibilities are endless. You could...

  • Design clothing (t-shirts, hoodies, hats)

  • Sell bibles after painting their covers

  • Make jewelry (bracelets or earrings)

  • Design canvas tote bags

  • Cookies or other treats (host a bake sale!)

  • Glass tumblers

People are normally pretty receptive to this because while they are supporting you, they also get something in return to keep. When deciding on what you want to sell there are a few things to consider.

  1. First think about the people in your life that may support you in this way. What are their interests and financial situation? What are they willing to spend money on and generally how much?

  2. Consider the cost of making this item. Will you make a profit?

  3. Think about and research what is trendy currently.

If you're not sure what your friends and loved ones would want to purchase ask around and take polls.

#3 Host an Event

Gather your friends and loved ones! This could be a pancake dinner, game night, or a movie night in the backyard, etc. Try to choose something that is cost-friendly. Again the possibilities are endless! Provide some snacks and refreshments. Make a quick speech at the event to tell people about what you are doing and why. Let them know you are accepting donations and enjoy!

#4 Adopt-a-Box Campaign

Get your Instagram and Facebook followers involved!! You could do a 30, 50, or 100-box campaign and generate a lot of funds. How it works is you post boxes numbered 1 to a certain number, such as 50. People will be able to “adopt” one of the numbered boxes. If they adopt box 7 then will be committing to donating $7. Periodically, maybe every few days, post an update with the boxes that have been adopted crossed out. This is a great option if you have a lot of friends in college or in tough financial situations who are not able to donate large sums of money. Usually, people may feel a tad bit awkward donating just a dollar or two, even though we know every penny counts! This option eases that awkwardness and encourages those who can only donate a few bucks. This is also a great option, as the periodic updates remind people to donate.

#5 Have a Yard Sale

Do you have a lot of clothes or items hanging around your house, that you no longer need, use, or can do without? It might be a good idea to host a yard sale! You can promote it on social media and around your town weeks in advance and offer for people to donate items for you to sell.

We hope these 5 ideas are helpful in your fundraising process! If you have more questions or need further clarification don’t hesitate to email us!


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